Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome home … or at least on the way

So I’m not home yet, but I’m on my way.  Happily seated in an uncomfortable airline seat, on the way back to London where I will spend a day being relatively normal.  I will go for a run, which is marginally socially acceptable.  I will shop for clothing that fits, hopefully without the added assistance of a man popping into the dressing room to suggest a different pant option.  I will sit alone in a pub and drink a pint without an escort, and perhaps (although this one is far less certain) even remain on my own, with thoughts for company, throughout the entirety of said pint.  In case it’s not clear by the previous paragraph.  I am VERY excited.  This should not be misunderstood as any sort of poor reflection on the previous three plus months, merely as a new excitement for another change of scenery, and new activities that are regarded as “normal”.  I will, of course, dreadfully miss being able to eat my food with my hands without sideward glances or perceptions of ill manners.
In the mean time, I sit on (in? …. Going to have to brush up on my American English again, I see.) a plane fascinated by the “food” that has been offered as a snack.  Here is a simplified, or perhaps just interpreted list of the ingredients, in order, without omission on the side of the pack: 

modified animal fat
“natural colours”
Vegetable concentrates?

…. Yummy!  They actually taste quite revolting, in a highly addictive sort of way.  They are marketed as “Wine Gums”  Ah the Brits.  Known the world round for their culinary ……. Individuality?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

To those of you more interested in the meadnering thoughts and politically driven commentary that I may or may not have a reputation of providing, I apologize.  With my time here drawing to a close I have remarkably little free time, and by the time I actually do sit down to relax my brain is too fried to write anything meaningful.  No worries though, I still intend to write at least a few more posts about Kenya after I've returned to the states, and I'm sure there will be inspiration a plenty once I return and realize that nothing is as it was, and I have to relearn how to be my version of an american again.  In the mean time - Today I have learned:

- that I too can cultivate a Frienemy ... I use that term in the most 40 year old soccer mom sort of way, as I'm not entirely sure what that word means, but if I understand it at all, Doxycyclene and I are just that.

- bilateral parotitis does not mean swollen parrots on both sides.

- Orchitis is not the King of the Orcs from a fantasy novel.

- how to play African Poker ... which really is nothing at all like Texas' version, and I suspect only played in Kenya.

- that I am apparently that weird ex-pat who disappears into the bush only to reemerge 2 years later, find the other ex-pats and realize that that isn't "how it's done".  Ha!

- that computers and water bottles do not mix.  However, thanksfully, damp computers and Voi dry heat do.  Thank you Voi, disaster averted. 

- swimming is a bit like riding a bike. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Today I learned:

... that if you google directions from Japan to Los Angeles, google suggests that you kayak from Japan to Washinton state with a stop over in Hawaii. I learned that although I don't blindly revere fame, I am always moved by those who are famous or in positions of power and yet remain kind and decent human beings.

... that I'm exceptionally good at justifying .... almost anything. Not sure that's a good thing

... that I'm not afraid of ants anymore
... that sometimes seeing a dead body is a more effective means of prevention than knowing what caused the death

... that maybe privacy isn't more important than $7 designer jeans

... (remembered) how much I love and miss my family and friends ... sappy, I know.

... how to make african stew (let's hope I can remember)

... how to shell cowpeas ... for my next trick: I will learn how to shell cowpeas without dumping them all over the floor! (not yet accomplished)

... that sometimes having mosquitoes buzz outside of the net is as annoying as having them buzzing inside the net.