
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hello one and all,
I'm currently sitting in Logan Airport waiting for my flight to London to be called.  Tonight it's on to London and connecting through to Nairobi ... about 13 hours later.  As promised, although cutting things a little close.  I wanted to let you all know where you can find updates about my travels and whatever else seems to capture my attention.  This time rather than writing mass emails I'm going to try write a blog.  This isn't really my thing, but I'm going to try pretty hard to keep it updated.  My plans are pictures of lions for Micah, for mom and dad pictures taken from a distance with a 21x optical zoom of lions :) 
Just a note, I've put a link on the right hand side of the blog so if you prefer to get emails of my posts rather than going to the blog itself to read it, you can sign up and hopefully that will all work just as it's supposed to.  I think you can also "follow" my blog by clicking a link right near the email link and it'll just send an email reminding you to check the website.  If you can't be bothered, that's absolutely fine as well, send me an email and when and if I have internet I'll respond as I'm able. 
Thanks for your support, join the trip and see you on the web:

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