Friday, June 3, 2011

I don't.

Today I found out I was engaged.  Well, maybe not so much actually engaged, just that I was apparently telling everyone I am engaged.  For a while now people have been asking me about my boyfriend, and asking when I am going to get married.  I thought they were just generally curious about my life and my family, and they assumed I am old, so isn’t it about time?  Today someone finally asked me, “what does your ring mean?” 
               Apparently, at least here in Voi, you don’t wear a ring just because it’s pretty.  It signifies something.  If you wear a ring, any ring, on your ring finger, regardless of which hand, it means you’re married.  Easy enough.  If you wear a ring on your middle finger it is usually your future wedding band, and it signifies an engagement (not sure how that works.  One ring would not fit both of my fingers).  Not every day, but most days I’ve been wearing a ring on my middle finger … just because I like it.  I guess I’ve been sending very mixed signals.  One day I’m engaged, the next I’m not. 
               The funny thing is, when I first started traveling/living outside of the US I purchased a ring that looked suspiciously like an engagement ring for when I was traveling.  Creapy guys tended to leave me alone, and oddly I did better bargaining as a young bride than as a single girl.  Here however I get no fewer guys lurking around the office, and twice the “when are you going to get married”.  No benefit.
               Isaac love, sorry, the engagement’s off.  The ring goes until I’m back in international airspace.

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