Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Today I learned:

Today I learned ....

... that I'm the most predictable unpredictable cat around.

... that I have more seniority in the hospital than one of the other doctors I've been working with. Sweet!

... Gunshots of unknown origin or trajectory scared the crap out of me.

... the word for a fear of the number 13 ... but I forgot it again

... that Cadbury Top Deck chocolate is good, but Whole nut is better (let the jokes commence!)

... perhaps re-learned how very much I love the 4th of July.

... how to use my stethescope properly. I'm such a dork.

... that the Barclays' loan advertisement is a total rip off of the Old Spice man comercials. Hillarious, and the UK is fallin' down on their copyright enforcement job.

... that Kenyan funerals are generally on Saturday.


  1. Triskaidekaphobia, is the word for which you are looking.

  2. Haha, thanks Will. You are one of approximately four people that I would believe knew it, and didn't just look it up with OED online.
