
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

To those of you more interested in the meadnering thoughts and politically driven commentary that I may or may not have a reputation of providing, I apologize.  With my time here drawing to a close I have remarkably little free time, and by the time I actually do sit down to relax my brain is too fried to write anything meaningful.  No worries though, I still intend to write at least a few more posts about Kenya after I've returned to the states, and I'm sure there will be inspiration a plenty once I return and realize that nothing is as it was, and I have to relearn how to be my version of an american again.  In the mean time - Today I have learned:

- that I too can cultivate a Frienemy ... I use that term in the most 40 year old soccer mom sort of way, as I'm not entirely sure what that word means, but if I understand it at all, Doxycyclene and I are just that.

- bilateral parotitis does not mean swollen parrots on both sides.

- Orchitis is not the King of the Orcs from a fantasy novel.

- how to play African Poker ... which really is nothing at all like Texas' version, and I suspect only played in Kenya.

- that I am apparently that weird ex-pat who disappears into the bush only to reemerge 2 years later, find the other ex-pats and realize that that isn't "how it's done".  Ha!

- that computers and water bottles do not mix.  However, thanksfully, damp computers and Voi dry heat do.  Thank you Voi, disaster averted. 

- swimming is a bit like riding a bike. 

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