Saturday, June 4, 2016

I object!

It's a little before eight in the morning here, and I'm sitting listening to the morning sounds.  There are cars going by.  A rooster somewhere sounds quite put out that the world hasn't gotten up and started the day yet, but is doing his best to make sure that we do.  In the next room, coffee is being ground.  And oddly as I started typing this someone started play some kind of horn ... which clearly isn't something they are practiced at, and they know it, as they burst out into laughter after every bravado note.  

Today feels good.  

I've been reading in the news lately about the success of Donald Trump and been disappointed that as I set out once again on my travels and attempts to create more good in the world, I'm not home to help fight that which I see as evil.  I know that the work that I do is important and makes a difference, but like most things, it sometimes leaves me wondering if it's enough.  

Today though I will do something more.  Today in a strange throw back to years of teen activism, I will go to one last rally.  It's not my country.  I can't vote here, but I can play games, wear bright colors and stand in the path of Nazis.  There are few truly political things in which I will involve myself in someone else's country, but an Anti-Nazi demonstration seems about as universal and in the realm of world citizenry as a cause can be.

So though the protest is intended to be a disruption of pro-nazism.  I'm going out into the city today to smile, give hugs, wear bright colors, and spread the love.  

Who knew I'd grow up to be a flower child?!  Given that there's a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace, I'd just like to linger in that first time as long as we can.  

1 comment:

  1. Quick update: It all went well, and considering there were 900 people representing the right, 5,000 police deployed and 5,000 counter-protesters, I would say it went extremely smoothly with mostly calm tempers and order maintained. Also #BundtStattBraun took the place of Bundt Nicht Braun ... a subtlety perhaps, but I appreciate the nuance.
    Here's a quick english language press piece covering it:
