Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Prolific Posting

Sooooo, I may have mentioned a time or two that blogging is not really my forte.  It appears that the email feature I mentioned before is not quite as user friendly as I would have liked it to be.  On the bright side it does seem to actually be working.  You may notice - assuming this is a feature you are even interested in - that after you type your address into the little white box and place your cursor dutifully over the "submit" button not much happens.  It doesn't look like a link but I promise if you click and the computer gods are happy with one or both of us it will work.  Alternatively if you do not trust strange little links that do not look like links, you can type your email address into the little white box, hit tab, then enter and it should likewise submit. 

Alternatively ..... you could always just write my name in random places on your calendar and perhaps that will serve as a reminder to check in from time to time.  I wish I could make it easier for the non-tech-savvy among us, but not being savvy enough myself that is a bigger task that I'm ready to take on.  Kenya I can handle, Blogger?  Maybe not as smoothly.

On a completely unrelated note.  I've arrived in London!  It always seems strange to me the things that throw you, or catch your attention.  Today it was the toilets.  Not the bathrooms, waterclosets or lieus, but Toilets, as they are all marked throughout the airport.  This in and of itself might make me chuckle but probably wouldn't be worth telling anyone about.  The Ladies in London Heathrow is one of the nicest most comfortable if not perfectly aromatic bathrooms I've ever been in.  It's not terribly flashy and when you first walk in, there isn't really that much remarkable about it ... until you get to the stalls.  These are not gates as you would expect to find at a race track, these are little rooms.  The doors go ceiling to floor, they're superbly lit, and if there's one thing you don't notice while you're in there it's the hoard of people outside your door.  While this could be seen as a downfall in a busy airport there seems to be a sufficient supply so as to never have a line, which is another amazing thing in a women's bathroom, and something for which I'm supremely grateful as I'll be spending yet another 9 hours here. 

So there you have it.  The wonders of travel! and you thought when I called this blog "worlds unseen" I was just talking about Kenya! no, no, no, we can go deeper than that :)

Mom:  I've made it halfway so far.  I know I've shown a grand ability to post so far, and I hope this sets your mind at ease.  Please don't anticipate my musings to happen nearly this often.  Talk to you in a week to let you know I made it the rest of the way :)

Happy Travels to whatever bathroom the world takes you to.

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